This is my favorite layout that Christine did. She announced she's now "finished Christmas". Geesh. I haven't even printed pictures from Christmas yet.

and this layout she did is by far the funniest. I plan to print a photo of this layout and make a page about it with the title....."I wonder if Sears knows what mom does with their catalogues?" You should see what she can do with a calendar too. I didn't take a picture of that page but we all agreed it looks pretty cool.

My fav that Marlene did was this one. I love the way she placed the alphabet stamps on a curve for her title. She thinks the page is too busy but I don't.
Heather got quite a few pages done which is surprising considering she took apart her layouts (and one of her cards) more times than we could count.

and she reprinted her journalling a couple times when she didn't get the paper cut straight enough. We may have teased her about her perfectionism but the final results were amazing.
There's more photos to share but I'm saving them for next post.
Awesome stuff....maybe we should rent a room for a night and scrapbook!!!!