I'm excited but freaked all at the same time.
My list of last minute things to do seems to keep getting longer instead of shorter.
I've been working on my class projects which even though they've been planned for weeks now, I haven't been able to put together until now because I was waiting for product to be delivered. It finally arrived last night so I've been assembling things today. For the most part it's been going well ---- except for the fact that one key item for one class seems to be awol. I cannot find my 4 boxes of chalks anywhere. I know I had them a few months ago but I must have taken them out of my tote while packing for a crop one day (in an effort to pack lightly and not take everything but the kitchen sink with me). Can't find them anywhere and this little glitch has forced me to rework the sample layout I was working on.
Here' s a peek at one layout that will be used as a sample for a class on titles and journalling. The title is done with a technique called "Chalk Board" (it doesn't look much like chalkboard on the sample because of the colour of cardstock I used but when done on black cardstock it does look like someone smacked a dusty eraser on a chalk board). To accomplish this effect I've placed chipboard letters on my versamat with a piece of white core cardstock overtop the chipboard letters and then sanded the paper. The raised letters underneath the cardstock act like an embossing plate and their images appear as if by magic. Cool! The journalling is another focus of this class - and since I've misplaced my chalk which I'd intended to use to highlight certain words in the journalling, I improvised and cut out corresponding cardstock pieces and printed the words I wanted to highlight on them.

This is my friends little guy. He's so darn cute I can't resist scrapbooking pictures of him.