Wednesday, April 22, 2009

9 days!

Only 9 days till the crop.

Besides all the goodies, prizes, food and such I'll be hauling over to the hall for the weekend of fun, I've been thinking of what else I need to pack for a weekend of scrapbooking. The last time I was away from home for an entire weekend of scrapbooking I had to pack all my necessities into two suitcases (clothes included) with airline weight restrictions in mind. I went away to Calgary with my sister-in-law for a consultants weekend --- that was 2 years ago. I overpacked because I was so sure I would leave something behind that I'd need. I'm also a last minute packer and I will probably still be thinking of things to bring along on Friday morning.

I was talking to my mother-in-law this morning and she's all excited for next weekend. She sent in a batch of pictures for printing and picked them up yesterday so now that she has new photos to scrapbook she says she is all packed and ready to go.

I've got packing on my mind today and now I'm curious about everyone's packing and scrapping habbits.

When you head out to scrapbook, whether it is for the evening, a day or a whole weekend are you like me and overpack and aren't really sure what you are going to work on so you bring everything but the kitchen sink or are you like my mother-in-law, packed and ready to go ahead of time and know exactly what you are going to work on.

When you scrapbook whether it is at home or at a friends or at a crop are you a pre-planner or do you just wing it and see where your creativity takes you? I know some people who pre-plan their pages ahead of time, gathering together paper, photos, journalling, sketches etc and then assemble them. Others know what pictures they are going to use and have an idea in mind before they start. Then there are others (like me) who will flip through pictures until something jumps out and says 'scrap me!'

What inspires you most. Do you start with photos first or a layout idea first? If you use sketch books, idea books or magazines as your inspiration do you find a sketch or sample and then find your own photos to go with that idea or are you the scrapper who chooses a sketch or sample layout to go with the photos you want to use.

Bet you weren't expecting the third degree were ya. No pressure to answer but if you'd like to share with the rest of the class, leave a comment.

Come back the count down to crop continues. I promise, I won't ask a whole bunch of questions.


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